Lights Camera Action - photo's from our St Ali & LMFF collab

Well, it was a SuperCool experience to be part of the L'Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival collaborating with St Ali in South Melbourne on 9 - 12 March. Whilst it was a lot of heavy lifting, DIY overload (spray painting anything we could fluoro and making chandeliers out of vintage sunnies) it was all worth it.

We learned that the St Ali crew love our disco funk music, that Yarra Place is like a little piece of Fitzroy in South Melbourne and that some SuperCool shoppers will go to any length to buy vintage chests

***Thanks to all who came to visit us, thanks especially to those who bought some SuperCool stuff from us and we look forward to sharing our selection of random vintage and everyday objects with you at our next location at Great Dane in Fitzroy. Stay tune for more details.

Photo's all credited to the lovely Marsha Golemac. (check out her blog)

***Like taking a vintage mechanics chest back with them in a cab to the airport back home to Sydney as their luggage!!!




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