Since we launched TheSuperCool back in November last year, we have met some really SuperCool customers who continue to inspire us with their awesome DIY ideas. We decided to set up a section on our site dedicated to them and what they've done with something they bought from us.
If you're a customer and you bought something and want to share it with us, just email us at and attach a LOW RES picture or you can share it on our facebook page, our twitter page , instagram or pinterest . Here's a few pics to show you what some of our customers have been up to.
Aimee bought these glass square doorknobs for her mum in New Zealand and they both love them. If you like these, we sell them in store and we will be selling them online soon.
Lizzie bought some custom scrabble slogans off us for a dinner party she was holding. She had each of the guests names spelt out and then played games throughout the night where her guests had to spell words to win prizes... great idea Lizzie! If you like this idea and want some custom scrabble slogans, order them here.
Kayte bought the Mr & Mrs vintage signs for a wedding she was shooting (she's a great wedding photographer) and sent us in the pics. Nice work Kayte. You can buy these and other versions of our signs here .
Our fave graphic designers Studio Alto got a Gracias flag from us for their awesome design work for us and we love it on their studio couch. You can get this and other rad flags here .
Fab stylist Heather Nette King bought the bonjour flag for her parents in law. Doesn't it look great on their front porch? You can get this and other rad flags here .
A fellow Argentinean amigo bought this great vintage Japanese chemistry pot from us with no idea what he would do with it and then realised it would make a great vase holder!
Our gorgeous Swiss friend Angela was given this jute bag appropriately called "Swiss Vintage" & used it for her balloons when having a party! Great idea.
LOVE this idea. A dude bought this vintage ladder off us and uses it as his jeans shelves! Rad.
One of our mini milk bottles as a vase in action! Love the spotted tablecloth underneath.
In march during fashion week, we ran a workshop for QV where we styled 5 display cases with product from QV retailers. We also popped in our Winner flag and our hessian red number cushion. The theme of this case was Heritage Amerciana.
In this display case we used the vintage bowling pins and the upcycled vintage patchwork cushions.